Where are you located? You don't post your location information and questions like this are more about your local area than anything else.

I myself use a local bank called Artisans Bank. No fees for checking, savings, debit cards, or unlimited online banking. I've heard good things in the Philadelphia metro area about Commerce bank, great hours (7:30 AM - 8:00 PM for drivethru banking M-F, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM Sat, 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday) and free accounts, go here for more info:


I use ING Direct online banking for my short term savings and escrow accounts, linked to my Artisans checking account.

Last edited by cjbaldw; 07/31/06 06:13 PM.

Best Regards, HitchHiker 05 Altima SE-R - smoke, 6-spd - Fujita CAI Best stock times: 1/4: 14.366 @ 98.99MPH - 2.366 60 ft 1/8: 9.373 @ 79.84MPH - 2.366 60 ft