Rofl mark,

Its actually people like me who keep these places in check. Why the hell would I put up with them sucking? If you don't show them that crapping on your customers heads... they will continue to do it. I also know that breaking my post down line by line makes you feel big... so you can have that. But needless to say, this is one (former) customer whom they won't be taking advantage of anymore. You gotta let them know how you feel, or they will continue doing it.

And congrats on feeding your e-peen by trying to make me feel small =)

Oh, and are you advocating that banks treat people will less money like [censored]? Thats how your post seems to make it sound with the 'bending over backwards comment.'

To everyone other then mark, thank you for your input. I've heard good things about Bank of America so I will check them out on monday... Wamu is also on my list of things to research tomorrow.