Originally posted by Rouar:
Originally posted by svtizzle4stizzle:

oh yeah, i hate this "new" style of filming where they make it seem like the G0ddamn cameraman is part of the cast. with the camera bounching around shaking! IMO i makes the movie completely less enjoyable.

If it is entirely this type of camera style, then I'm not watching that movie.

no, thank GOD! i would have been pissed if they had. during the big shoot-out at the end its like there is a friggin CNN cameraman shooting "live from Baghdad" (only a few times). its like he was sampling with different shooting styles. out of focus, grainy, etc..

at the end i was waiting for them to bust out with the original theme song at least for the credits!! all you get is that wack-ass remake of Phil's song.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.