The tranny drove and shifted normal then about 5minutes into the drive it would slip. It has never slipped before today. Any gas over 1/2 throttle it would slip. I noticed it going on the highway. Then the shifter when put into neutral at a stop (trying to cool down tranny)it wouldn't find drive again until I shut the car off and turned it back on and waited like 30sec (while holding up morning traffic on a US highway) The first big hill it let go completely and I had to stop on the hill. Then after turning the car off/on again the tranny was fine. It does seem like a nonmechanical problem to me as well.

Do you think water could of entered the transmission? it wasn't very high.
Can a wacky sensor make these problems occur? I guess i'll find out on the drivehome at 6pm for myself.

Last edited by Spyderman; 07/19/06 02:45 PM.

97.Contour.GL.ATX 89.Dodge.Colt.4G63T