Originally posted by MxRacer:
Originally posted by Klasse Act:
Damn Mark, hope you get that 911 pretty soon because that just increased the heat index Too bad the S60R is a lease because I have a feelin' Mark would up the ante' with a quickness. I was actually surprised to find out that they only run 14.4's But the car isn't a drag car anyways so who cars....DAVE!

mark can't afford a 911 that will run with my car. yeah yeah yeah, it's not a drag car, blah blah blah.

dave's $13K mustang - 1
mark's $40K+ vulva - 0

I typed up a big long respnse, but decided to sit back and laugh. Some day, when you start selling big busses instead of short ones, you'll be able to afford a real car. Aren't you the one claimng your car isn't a drag car?

So what day of the week is good for you to make a Gingerman run? Tue, Wed, Thu? 1st or 2nd week in August?

We'll need a goofball with a stopwatch to go with us - Steeda should do (you know the "Air Force Button Pusher training" and all). We can take Roger to validate Steeda's timing and hold the money.

Semper Fi "They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards." -Chesty