I'd say luck plays the biggest role in a job search without a doubt. Unless you're applying for a job that few people are and the can interview everyone, it's always gonna come down to at least a little "luck" in whether you get in the interview pile or the circular file.

But there is of course more to a resume than your education. "Harvard" doesn't mean diddily if the rest of your resume sucks. There's something to be said (actually a LOT to be said) for a well-written, well-formatted resume that contains more about you and your relevant experience ("relevant" being the key word) than about what your GPA was. If your resume looks like it was created for my position and not something you just mass-broadcast on every remotely interesting position on Monster.com, I'm exponentially more likely to interview you if you're even remotely qualified. If you're willing to take the time to personalize a resume and show that you really want the position, I'm very willing to take some of my time to interview you if I can.

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