I should have more clear (ironic, huh?), I'm getting this both on the inside and the outside. The one thing that stands out in your answer Pete, is the use of a dedicated towel(s). I'm not doing that. I do wash my towels all together, usually twice cause they're so dirty and then always rinse twice, then into the dryer WITHOUT any fabric softener sheets. I also usually have to wipe out my washer's tub because of the ring. It never occurred to me that I'm probably causing my own problem. I'll stop at Walmart on my way home and get the proper towels. And John, as I said before, my anal side makes me wipe my dash almost on a daily basis so I'm hoping to get any residue it creates almost immediately. Thanks to both of you guys for the input.

Last edited by wa2tuff; 07/14/06 03:03 PM.

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics