since when is it a law to wear a belt when you tuck in your shirt?
belt buckles scratch paint.
if i have to wear a belt while working on cars or around them the belt buckle is always on my left side, so if i lean over a cars fender i don't scratch the paint.

but then again, i only wear a belt when i need one to hold up my pants.

as for the mustache, handlebars were very popular back in the day, and he likes it so its not too stupid.
plus it got his "face" more or less on pringles cans, well actually he got it there by developing alot of proctor and gambles products.

so he gets a little excited about meeting the owners of some really nice cars and reaches out for a handshake alittle early.

i am not saying that dennis isnt a little bit of a dork (we all are), but he has done a heck of a lot in his life and has earned the right to his show.

oh yeah, and how can you not touch someones car if you are riding in it?

NY State Trooper: So what makes your car so special to have SVT all over it? Me: Er...It was made by Fords SPECIAL Vehicle Team?