Originally posted by Klasse Act:
When and where in the hell did I say that caranuba was better than syn/acrylics .

I did not say you were saying that. You are coming up with reasons why the carnauba side is not beading anymore and I gave the real reasons why.

Originally posted by Klasse Act:
As I'm SURE you know Pete, caranuba adds depth, something "Z" or Klasse can't do because of what their made of.

I personally cannot tell the difference side-by-side between carnauba and a synthetic. I've done 1/2 carnauba and 1/2 synthetic on dark colored cars and had people look at it to tell me they couldn't tell a color difference between the halves. <shrug>

Originally posted by Klasse Act:
With all the quotes Pete, are you trying to make me look bad

Not at all Roger. I'm just pointing out what the "real deal" is. If you re-read my previous post, I explain why the carnauba side is "sheeting" as you put it.

Originally posted by Klasse Act:
I didn't see any of this coming, other than when we were working on the car at SZ and I looked over to see something or another you were doing and you covered something up.

I have no idea what that means....

Originally posted by Klasse Act:
I've been PM'd by several members here in the CEG (will not reveal who they are) but its a general consensous your "Moses" or something in this matter.

If me providing my detailing knowledge and passing on what I discover/learn is a problem with anyone, then they have a lot of growing up to do. PMing to badmouth someone behind their backs is as high school as you can get. I thought CEG was supposed to be a place for sharing information and learning. What does that make guys that know engines and cars like Stazi, warmonger, todras, etc.? Do they get badmouthed for their knowledge and sharing/helping CEGers?

Originally posted by Klasse Act:
...lets do this, next year, get an outside source to judge your cars finish against mine With an outside source theres no favorites or shoe-in's, how about it Pete

Two different cars is no basis for comparison. I didn't really see anything wrong with this year's comeptition. The ideal thing would be to detail the car behind closed doors and then let the public judge.

Originally posted by Klasse Act:
I just told them that Pete is very CONFIDENT and not arrogant in this matter and I'd appreciate the same kind of respect thrown my way

My post was not meant to disrespect you in any way - it was purely intended to correct many statements you have made. I don't think we've ever had any issues between us over the 5+ years on CEG. I have the utmost respect for your attention to detail and ability to make a car shine. I do however feel it's important that CEGers be provided the most accurate information possible. If I'm wrong someplace and anyone corrects me, I wouldn't look at it as a personal attack.

Here's carnauba on my roof. It beads when it's there:

Fresh carnauba on a test car. Tight beads. As it begins to evaporate, rubbed off by washing, etc. the beads lose tightness. When it begins pooling and sheeting off, it's gone. Carnauba last 4-8 weeks on a daily driver.

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