Originally posted by Klasse Act:
Originally posted by MxRacer:
Originally posted by Klasse Act:
Not that it matters too much (except for someone taking pics ) but I must work on Sunday!

theres a friggin shocker.

death, taxes, and roger missing a meet because of work!

Sorry Dave, gotta do it and besides, wait till we all get our electric bill next month, atleast I will not be as "shocked" I'm expecting it to be about $300.00 I'm off on August 11th (Fri) to go down to Woodward and hang out, August 18th (Fri) to get a good nights sleep for the WDC the next day and August 25th (Fri) for the 4th annual "MEATA" that AM1130 "The Fan" is throwing again for its listeners, so I'll be out and about I'm truely sorry to be missing this meet and will do everything in my power, as well as pray, that we're not so buried at work for the End of Summer bash in Sept!

Gay I think our AC has been on maybe 4 days!

Don't be such a pansy!!!