Originally posted by Berkel:
I just got off suspension last week, if i call off im done for

Oh well, if i can't get someone to work for me I'm off at 5 anyway

.....serves you right for sticking your tongue out at me!! that sucks that they scheduled you, they probably did it on purpose to see if you would call off. get someone to work for you, there's plenty of people in that store!! lol

hey pete, didn't you mention something in another post about people backing out once it got closer to the day of the meet??? i thought about that when i looked at this thread this morning and laughed my ass off!!

*~Bonnie~* 2000 CSVT, Amazon Green, built 2/?/00 135K and counting!!!!
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
CSVT, because like an orphan, someone has to take care of them.