OK then. A few burns and some good scrapes later I now have 12+ Volts all the way to the alternator post. The mega fuse fell apart in my hands when i took it out, it was corroded and shot, wouldn't hold a clean signal through it. I went to Ford too get my new one because Autozone couldnt understand what I wanted . Now, I am still not getting a charge. I used my multimeter to test every point on the line, 12 V at the alternator post when it's running. 12 V when its off. Correct me if I am wrong, I should see 14.5 on the alternator post when its running right?

The battery is an Interstate 60 month battery, that has been drained completely 4 times since January, 3 times in the past 2 weeks. The battery passed Sears die hard testing last week with flying colors.

Do you think it is a bad alternator? If so its going back to the shop for a warranty replacement.