The Brand is 'Directed', It says 25A but I put a 30 in it and it seemed to pound way harder and I didn't blow the fuse but it was only for the ride home. My brother said it's not good to put a higher watt fuse in the amp then it says (25a) but I don't know if he knows alot about sounds or not. The amp works fine, hits good just blows the fuse alot.

Is it ok if I put a higher watt fuse in? I don't want it to blow and mess all my other electrical stuff up.

98.5 Silver Contour SVT 4931/6535 - March 8th, 1998. *Knaubernized *Brows *Clear Corners *5% Tints *Lil bump in the trunk ^.^ CarDomain Page *Updated August 6th*