Originally posted by getsum111:
OK, first off, no flaming!!!! This was done BEFORE I joined the site. I....ummmm.....well....you know...kinda replaced a stock...ummm..tranny with..well, ummm,...another stock tranny!

Well don't feel too bad, I did the same thing. I had the dealer replace my blown stock tranny with a brand new stock tranny and it only cost me 3K. It sucks being short of time. And now I wish I would have done what everyone recommends.

Anyways, the silverstar highs in the low beams just didn't fit right. I didn't trust the seal and the bulbs were a real pain to get in straight. I just ended up with silverstar lows in the low beams and kept the highs for the high beams. Now they are great.

6450 of 6535 6-16-98