Originally posted by Decepticon:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Jason, we all know you worked on some planes. We also realize that it has been nothing but downhill since then.

You really are becoming more and more of an obnoxious jerk, moreso than ever before.

ya seems like its been downhill. Since you have known me for how long and I have helped you and lent you what?

Yup sorry pete didn't mean to offend you. Since your the one who can uninstall a engine/trans in 2 hours. Sure! I got a ticket and then a lawyer wow def down hill You wanna start [censored] with me then be a man and say it to me unlike little [censored] Rawbutt. Im not helping out a [censored] idoit via the internet who doesn't even know how to install a radio correctly but yet wants info on what to look for? Pull your head out of your [censored] ass! You take info that Stazi, Barge or anyone else gives you then shake your head when others don't know the same. How about go and join a [censored] cult about the conspiricy that a missle hit the pentagon or how republicians are peices of [censored]. I have been nice to you and only ripped on you when you deserved it but if you wanna run your mouth be prepared for the [censored] storm from me that will follow.

Also, Ya its def down hill since i make more now and pay less in bills then when i was in the USAF working on the B2 Stealth bomber with a Clearance beyond your dreams. [censored] off and mount some tires or paint some houses.

Steeda out!

I don't really care man, you are being a big [censored] lately plain and simple. It doesn't have to do with helping Rob, it's just you being a dick. Go ahead and rip into me all you want. It's not like I am an engineering major or anything. This is my hobby and somehing I enjoy. You can talk [censored] to me all day about how you think my major is BS etc etc.

You really do talk sooo much [censored] and no one puts u in your place. You are really just being a [censored]. Mellow out a bit. It's not like I hate you or anything, you take it all so personal. And seriously you bring up the same [censored] over and over again...IE the [censored] missle (which I consider more of a joke than anything) and the fact that you worked on some planes.

I mean you get your biggest kicks out of annoying roger or rawburt.

And you give me [censored] like learning things from derek and stazi is a bad thing. Yeha, I have gotten a bit of an automotive chip on my shoulder...but I've [censored] learned alot in the past 4 years.

Born again on 04/09/06 FOR SALE: Moonroof glass and motor MB sunshade PM ME!