Originally posted by Decepticon:
make sure you click the notify moderator button becuase people are making fun of you little cry baby!

anyone can feel highly successful when living at home sucking on momma's tits

You arent hurting my feelings... So no need to notify the moderator. Although I'm sure mark isnt going to be all too impressed...

And come on, you know the only titties i'm on is YO mommas!

Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
LOL!!!!!! Steeda calling people out on spelling mistakes!! Then telling us how he was married at 20, owned his house and had nice cars.. 10 years later and he lives with his aunt, is moving out to RENT a house, and wants a 20 year old Dodge Aries. Seriously, I might pee my pants at work!!



Last edited by RawBurt...; 06/22/06 02:58 PM.