Originally posted by RawBurt...:
Originally posted by Judge:
Originally posted by MxRacer:
me and my car are on your lips an awful lot for someone who has no interest in me or my possessions. i'm suprised there's room on those lips considering how much time burninrice's junk spends on them.

I think what he really wants on his lips is your butt......

Oh that was like so funny

Originally posted by Decepticon:
Originally posted by RawBurt...:
So why are you "REALLY" selling your car then?

If it was your business i would tell you. Certain people know and others don't if you don't know then maybe its becuase you don't need to know

I wish I was special enough to be one of you "Certain" peoples

Dude your queer ass comebacks are ummmm Queer!!!!! Maybe a little more thought is needed from the so called Test engineer