Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by stilov:
it kinda makes you look like Terry's little "do boy"

Sure bub. I'm just glad Terry is here to help in some aspect. I could give a flying [censored] what you think. Life is too short for bullsh!t.

He's just pointing out what everyone notices. And you're right, life IS too short for bullsh!t. That's why I don't listen to bullsh!t about not using ATF + FM. Mine held up great for 35k HARD miles, and drained out bright red.


Mark I drained MTL out of two trannies 3 weeks ago and it came out bright red...but when you pulled the shift tower there was the infamous black grime coating. I don't think it really matters what color it is when it drains. The true test of all this jazz goes way beyond our sight and into the lab.

Born again on 04/09/06 FOR SALE: Moonroof glass and motor MB sunshade PM ME!