Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
I wish I woulda known about being an actuary back before I chose a career path. Hot damn! talk about coin!

I have two good friends who were Actuarian Math majors in my class. One hated it but it's what she was good at. Her only incentive was the money, since she didn't want to be homeless like her family. With the birth of her second child she decided to drop out of college since there was now no point to learning things she hated (her boyfriend/husband graduated ECE).

Another friend stuck it out until .. get this .. the last semester of college. Despite her fondess for math, she grew to hate the major and finally switched to industrial engineering, which means she's going back for one more year to get those requirements done.

Like I said before .. find something you're happy with doing. No point in having a nice salary if it sacrifices your well-being.