im no engineer but i know four of them personally.

my cousin got her bs/masters in structural engineering and works as a manager in a factory (manufacturing engineer?) making sure things run smoothly.

my friend got his bs in civil engineering and works for a power company traveling around the state checking the company's dams for structural integrity etc... He's a "dam engineer" he also worked for some automtive companies in hybrid technology development.

my brother in law is a network engineer. got his AA in computers(?) then his MCSE (microsoft certified software engineer) which is a BIG plus in his field. he runs an IT network/dept.

his father, got his BS from DeVry in computer engineering(?). has worked on everything from programming to product design. his current company does a lot of work with high tech led products. he makes some big coin.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.