Summer Nats is going the way of FFW.
RIDICULOUSLY overpriced and completely disorganized.
You'd think for an event that's done every damn year, they'd be more organized.
In fact, it just keeps getting worse every year we attend.

Mike and I left early. The straw that broke the camel's back was Irish Times Pub on Main street. It used to be an annual tradition for us, but no fuggin way anymore.
They have their heads so far up their asses it's not even funny.
They carded us all before entering, no problems there.
We all order drinks and finally order food, no problems there.
Elky sees an opportunity to go adjust how his car is parked, so he asks Mike to go with him to help guide the car.
They leave.
When they come back, they get ID'd at the door again, but suddenly the SAME GUY that carded us 20 minutes before decides he thinks Mike's NH ID is fake.
So they call me down and Jess's father to show our ID's to compare and the dude still hassles Mike and won't let him in. Mind you, we still have an open tab. If they think he's got a fake ID, well then those asshats just served a "minor", and if they won't let him re-enter, then they just screwed themselves out of some cash.

So all 9 of us told them to eff our food order, we paid for the beer and we left.
The OWNER said it was the door guy's call and he didn't even make an attempt to check Mike's ID and override his own employee's mistake.
The cop outside said he couldn't do a darn thing, but to him the ID looked legit.

That place has some good food and we've never had any trouble before.
I'm done with it though.
Done with Summer Nats too. Last year got me close to saying eff it all, we're never going again, but this year looked somewhat promising. It was worse. Preregistration was a joke. They lied on the website and then tried to cover it up when you officially register at the hotel. Registration for one day was supposed to cover car, driver, passenger for the park and for the nighttime events. WE get there and all we get is a park armband and they tell us we have to pay $20 more for evening armbands.
eff that noise. The whole event is a fuggin joke.

The park is about the only thing worth doing, but the ridiculous pricing and awful burnout pad management still has me wary of ever attending even the park car show ever again.

Kim 1995 Contour GL Needs less "needs more"