Originally posted by JSmith:
The only reason he was so harsh with you is becasue of your heritage. The officer had a predjustice and thats why he nailed you to the wall.

There's no need to suspend you liscense. I can understand them odering your car off the street until it passes inspetion but the treatment you got is absurd. The geltelman is a police officer, he is not an inspection officer. He does not have the knowledge to determine what is and what is not aftermarket on the car. That is determined at the time of inspection buy the inspector not on the side of the road by a traffic cop.

Its not like you car is a hazard to humanity and you were popping wheelies down mid town.

exactly! and its not like I was high or drunk, I was only getting milk for cereal! I even told him that! The streets around me were dead. He told me that he had an eye on my car, whatever that means, uggh, sucks not being able to drove for 2 days
