Brapple if you need any assistance with the bumpers let me know - I can borrow my dad's Forester or stick them in the Maxima trunk (which is beyond huge). I'm free a lot the next few weeks.

More info on the Fidelity job, as soon as they call me back. I got a phone call 45 mins ago containing some nice phrases such as "extend to you an offer" but needed to fill out something before discussing details... <giddy>

Haroon - glad you found something you enjoy doing despite what your parents may think is "the best" for you ... it'll work out well in the end.

Chris - like ElKy here I went without painkillers .. four impacted wisdom teeth .. at 16 years old .. definitely know the feeling! At least you are out of school when you had them done. Good luck with the interview/etc, I am also waiting to hear back from another company as well for a second interview (though it's less likely now that I would take it). Again long story. I think I'll make a blog-type post on this crazy stuff later this week.