Originally posted by SleeperZ:

You cannot win a war when you fight an enemy who is not playing by the same rules as you.

which is why we should have just gone in, removed saddam, and bailed. minimal casualties to both sides. not that i care about iraqi casualties but the fact that tons of US men/women are dying daily because of sanctions vilations is really assine. in the end, if there will be one, how many soldiers will have died? and with what result in iraq? free voting for iraqi people? a few more terrorists killed/captured? yeah, that's really worth it

you know, the first time we went in it was to protect another country, an ally, from in invading force. we went in, did the job, and were done with minimal losses. this 2nd time has turned into a real clusterf*ck. i guess its our "vietnam".

while it appears they may have overwhelming evidence against the marines who are accused of premeditated murder, i always believe in "innocent until proven guilty" especially in a court such as the military's where the cards can really be stacked against you, from both sides!! (political scapegoat). if they did do this, and im hoping they didnt, then they will pay with a "lifetime" of misery in Levinworth, or wherever theyre sent. 10x worse than being in regualr prison (except maybe in the south). just look at how theyre being treat now. per the article, camp pendelton's brig is treating him like he killed a general or something. i mean, he's a murder suspect, but he is a marine and not some gangbanger.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.