Originally posted by Doppelg�¤nger:
Originally posted by my03TurboFerrariEnzo:
.....first they aren't soldiers, they are Marines. There IS a difference. Second, I'll await the FINAL report to come out.

Semantics - Soldier 1. somebody serving in army: somebody who serves in a military organization

The final report will be just that. A final report of a murder committed.

Its NOT semantics, but then again, most likely coming from one who's never served you wouldn't understand the difference between a Sailor, an Airmen, a Soldier, or a Marine would you? Each service has a different designation for a reason. I'd like you to walk up to a platoon of Marines, or even a fireteam and call them soldiers, I'd also like for you to do the same to a platoon of Soldiers and call them Marines...I could almost gurantee you'd be limping home or wake up in the hospital.

Originally posted by Doppelg�¤nger:

Not necessarily. Soldiers are in a position of extreme power. And if there is a chance that they're abusing their power it must be investigated. Guess you don't remember the Abu Grayib prision being closed because of abuses huh?

And the war is WRONG.

Originally posted by Tom Thumb:
What ever happened to the military avoiding the news and press? When I was in the military they they did not like being in the news.

The media is embedded into this war. Especiall with the way information flows with the technology we have, especially forwarded deployed now.

Originally posted by Doppelg�¤nger:
Originally posted by 99blacksesport:
Originally posted by TGO:
Originally posted by Doppelg�¤nger:

Not necessarily. Soldiers are in a position of extreme power. And if there is a chance that they're abusing their power it must be investigated. Guess you don't remember the Abu Grayib prision being closed because of abuses huh?

And the war is WRONG.

Abu Gharib was a f'ing joke. That same [censored] goes on here, and its call 'Rush' for fraternities.

Originally posted by 92x_Hightower:

How DARE Dumbass Dubya force AMERICANS to endure that??? Every time I hear a US military person say "We are over there fighting for our country" it makes me sick! How the FKUCK are we fighting for our country over there? That country has NOTHING to do with ours, and it has been proven over and over. Believe me, I have been searching for a justification to support knocking out that D!ck Tator. But at least be honest as to why we are sending our new high school grads to die a "soldier's death".

Where is the honor in that?

There are a few different ways to look at it the current situation, and the why's behind it. The longer we are there, the more information they find be it by researching or Iraqis themselves about WMDs etc. But, we won't go there because that is a whole 'nother topic. As for why are we still there, I look at it fighting terrorism on their own ground. AQ seems to be focused on sending alot of there fighters there to get at American's easily. IMO, that is why Iraq is still considered to be a part of the GWOT.

Ryan Trollin!