Originally posted by SnafuFlux:
Originally posted by [Email:
Originally posted by chongo:
Chris your only bringing it out now in June?
Can't believe you waited so long, but I'm sure you played it hard.
SRT4 - TURBO upgrade......

Yes, Jeff, just bringing the SVT out now. Believe me, the engine was cleaned out very well on this outing. I even put on a decent amount of km's this time out.

SRT-4, watch out, big HP coming soon.

I swear you work for the mob or something like that. The triad even. You have gobs of money (even after a divorce ). Cars are like... transformers to me (my transformers cost 20-40 each lol!)

crazy man

LOL Keith. I save all my pennies.

I played my cards right, especially through and after the divorce, and life only continues to get better for me as each day passes.