Originally posted by Tony2005:
Originally posted by projectSHO89:
Originally posted by ffos2:
My coolant strength is alrite ! As Tony suggested, I bougth a coolant tester, the coolant tester suspends four balls which according to the coolant tester manual is alrite.

Coolant concentration has little to no effect on cooling system performance.

Time to lay off suggesting this for engines that appear to be running "too warm".....


Steve (projectsho89), try this for YOUR Contour. Drain the cooling system. Then just put water in YOUR Contour's cooling system, instead of 50/50 coolant and see if the car overheats.

Then drain the cooling system again. Put just antifreeze (100 percent solution) in the cooling system and see if it overheats.

I can assure you, on both occasions, the temp gauge will hover close to the red zone.

I think Steve is meaning that as long as the concentration is in the ballpark, then the cooling system will do it's job for most conditions. The correct concentration really matters at extreme temps. The correct operation of the fans, thermostat, sensor and pump would have the most affect on the operation of the cooling system.