Originally posted by Tourige:
Originally posted by KingpinSVT:
Yeah because these cars dont have enough traction problems before the turbo hits, and it doesnt get much better afterwards.

Im guessing thats a no, Hmm.. maybe Justin will be the first.

Well my point was that it would probably do more harm than good, and that it would be a waste of money. N20 is used on turbo applications to reduce lag. It is sprayed before the turbo makes boost, helping make power earlier and reduce the spool time. Lag is not something our cars have a problem with. A properly sized turbo spools plenty early, and honestly spraying before it hits would mean spraying in the no-no land of the RPM range (under 3000-3500rpm). Not to mention it would eliminate any traction he had to begin with.

He would probably be the first and last if he did indeed do it, cause its not a good idea on this platform.

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