
The downside to our current system of everyone bringing something is this - some obviously contribute (spend) a lot more than others.

Here is my suggestion:

- 2 - 5 people provide ALL food/drinks. Keep tabs on how much is spent by each person.
- compile list of attendees and what days they wish to eat/drink to gauge how much food to purchase
- charge $10 per day for what is basically all-you-can-eat/drink
- create a sign similar to this year's, but says something along the lines of:

" and drinks have been provided by the following CEGers:
- Christine (LUCA)
- Allen (Buddy Palumbo)
- etc.

To partake in the food and drinks, reimburse these individuals with $10 per person per day..."

- collect funds and divide amongst those who provided the food and drinks

My .02 cents.

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