Originally posted by Big Jim:
Originally posted by Bike2112:

Last time I checked, the EGR system did not save a single life in an accident like a seat belt or an air bag. If you are going to make a comparison, make a tangible one. I KNOW disabling it is bad for the environment etc...but comparing it to a seatbelt or airbag??? Come on.

Well, OK, how about the retuning needed to compensate for the loss of EGR. The fuel mixture and the igntion curve needs to be altered.

But it's easier to plug it off and ignore the problems it creates.

It's your car. Treat it like you want to. Don't cry to us when it bites you in the tail.

Why would I cry to someone else for something I researched, thought about, made a decision on and did without your help. Just giving options here. Not everyone thinks like me or you.

E0 SVT Kids, yeah, I have kids. How many do you want?