Also glad to help - anytime .

I'd stick with an MGB , personally , instead of a TR-6 . An MGB is a much more user-friendly unit . Don't get me wrong , I've owned a couple Triumphs & loved 'em , but I've learned from experience dealing with them both on a daily basis . MGB all the way . The TR-6 is harder to get in & out of , is a much more quirky car , more expensive to fix up and feels like a wet noodle compared to an MGB due to it's seperate frame (vs. the MBG's unibody - even when both comparatively rusty) .

If you want an interseting old-school British car - think Morris Minor . Fun car , LOADS of looks when you're driving it , it's a unibody car , you won't "see yourself" coming & going (i.e. you'll be the only one in town) , and room for 4 adults !

~~~~~~~ Phil Black & Tan 2000 SVT Contour #2137 of 2150 35,000 miles & counting !