Originally posted by Teenage Contour:
Ok, I showed my dad all the stuff and this was his responce-

"Your info was EXTREMELY helpful-THANK YOU so much!!!!

Mom and I took the MGB for a test drive on Sunday. It basically had no brakes and ran a bit rough but after shocking myself when I checked the plug wires I figured that was the reason it was missing!!!

Brake pressure was a problem on mine too. The PO had mixed modern DOT 5 brake fluid with some older standard and the 2 didn't mix well causing the rubber to fail. I had a small leak coming from the master cylinder that would drop on my leg once in a while. Top it off with fluid and the brakes should be OK temporarily.

Originally posted by Teenage Contour:

Anyhow, Mom felt the car sat too low to the ground and would be too difficult to get in and out of on a regular basis.

It's a sports car!

Originally posted by Teenage Contour:

The steering wheel is only 6" off the seat so it sits in your gut.

Smaller diameter steering wheels can be had from Moss Motors or other suppliers for a couple bucks. Makes the steering a bit harder at slower speeds, but freesup room in the cockpit.

Originally posted by Teenage Contour:

I told her I would have fun working on it and felt it would be worth my while but she just didn't think it would be very practical for her so we walked away from it. Probably a prudent thing to do as I really don't 'need' another project."

So basically he's not gonna go for it since it was gonna be for my mom since he has the '53 Chevy and motorcycle as a daily driver (when theres no snow on the ground.) And if she isn't gonna be real happy about it then I guess its not really worth it. Too bad, because from talking with him it has lots of potential and would be a fun car to work on. But thanks again for all your help guys, the info you gave helped alot with the decision.

Happy to help. Sorry it didn't work out in the end, but it's a good thing she looked at it. MGs are a breed for certain people and not others.

Based on her concerns, you might want to find a Triumph TR6 to work on instead. The pedals are closer together, but overall the cabin has more room. Sits a little higher off the ground too.

Good luck!

For Sale: - Sony PSP with a Baseball 2k6 and the movie Crash. $100 - 1973 Karmann Ghia Convertible w/ Auto-Stick. Needs Restoration. $1200 OBO