Allright guys, sounds good. I will probally forward this via email to my dad so he can read it for himself and make a decision. The rust scares me becuase in MN, everything rusts up there so I can hope it was stored for the winter. I have quite a bit of expirience with rust damage, but if its that hard to do, I agree that it is not worth buying the car. as for the carb and breathing mods, I think I could talk him into them, especially if he sees how slow it is when he first drives it. And I will get back to you on those parts Brian if we get the car. thanks alot guys, this is a huge help. I'll let ya know what happens with it.

95 LX-with a mind of its own 24v DOHC SVT exhaust and K&N=all thats worth modding Go Fighting Sioux!!!