Well , if there's anyone on the boards that can answer any question you have about MG's , it would be ME . I restore 'em for a living , so I've literally had my hands on hundreds of 'em .

Big question : Is it an MGB , or a Midget ??
I hope for your sake that it's an MGB , as the later Midgets aren't all they're cracked-up to be . If it's truly a 78 , it's an MGB , as Midgets were only made till '76 . There's a BIG difference between the two as far as what to look for and reliability , that's why it's a VERY important question .

I hate to disagree with Eric , but the wiring isn't that bad on MG's ... it's PEOPLE that are the problem . If you can get one that someone hasn't hacked , spliced , stripped , tapped & jacked with the wiring you'll do fine . Seriously , the wiring isn't anything to be scared of . It's simple & easy to fix correctly . When there's a wiring problem , look for dirty connectors - that's the main issue we see . People don't give MG's the credit they deserve . They CAN be reliable little cars . We have many customers that put loads of miles on their cars without issue .

Lemme know what year the car is & whether it's a Midget or MGB & I'll let you know what to look for & what to expect out of it . I'd rather take the time to educate you than to have you buy a bad car .

**EDIT** Almost forgot - don't waste your hard-earned wampum on that supercharger . The real world gains aren't worth the money spent & reliability issues involved . On a later (read:rubber-bumpered) MGB , you'll be MUCH better off doing some back-dating , like going back to the dual carbs like the earlier cars had (don't waste your $$ on the down-draught Weber carb) along with the proper dual-downpipe exhaust manifold , giving the engine an earlier-spec camshaft and throwing on a free-flow exhaust . Those are gains that you will greatly appreciate . We've done it more times than I can count , and ALL customers are happy with the difference .

Heck , I might as well throw in a shameless plug too - www.carriagecraft.com . It's needing an update (we're busy fixing MG's) , but that's our website .

~~~~~~~ Phil Black & Tan 2000 SVT Contour #2137 of 2150 35,000 miles & counting !