Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
you can do eeet!

Your New England brethren make long trips like that every year to SZ.
Peace of cake.

As was suggested, check all fluids and all that good stuff.
Depending on the mileage, an oil change before or after the trip may be in order, so check your records for the last time you did one.

Driving long distances is not so bad when you have people to share the experience with you.
Three people to a car will be fun.
The excitement of the trip will keep you awake for a long time.
Try to be smart about the time of day you leave. Most likely you'll be going through NYC, so try to plan your departure time around rush hour schedules and things like that.

Don't forget cash for tolls.
Try to stay away from too many caffeine drinks and soda. Try to go more with Gatorade or water.

what are these records you speak of? I had a timing belt on my tracer snap on me once on my way home from college. Luckily I was only an hour away from home on a 4 1/2 hour drive. (and boy did I drive that a LOT)

95 SE MTX svt exhaust intake deer killer