Originally posted by Auto-X Fil:
Get snow tires. All-seasons are junk in both seasons, except the sporty ones (ZE512) which are junk in the snow. Blizzaks/Graspic and the like are pretty grippy in the summer and awesome in the snow.

So would you disagree with the proxes being rated higher than the ZE512... If not then that makes me very tempted to try the ZE's, I'm no looking for a snow tire that's good by any means. I'm just not looking for a summer only tire that wont even get tracting on a dry day when below 50. I once remember locking up the tires on the stang stoping around 35mpg and slidding like on ice with Kunho Ecsta Supra 712's when it was cold out. That's what I'm trying to avoid.

This tread pattern plus super hard rubber when cold is hell:

ON EDIT: those kunhos on a RWD car in a summers rain got AMAZING traction, almost as if it didnt rain at all. I remember the day I got them on it rained and I pushed them like crazy and was in disbelief.

Last edited by djdanyloz; 06/02/06 01:05 AM.