Originally posted by Stylin55_oh:

also i dont have the quote but i respect it. these guys are out there putting straight axles on their rides so they can lift them big enough to put 28" wheels and then spend the money to put down some sick candy paint. When they are done they have a car they can be proud of (obviously thats relative) for less than the price of a lot of new cars. I personally think they are silly looking and remind me of a clown car, but just because i dont like it dosent mean i can't respect it.

I don't think respect is the word you want

respect: verb [ trans. ] admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements : she was respected by everyone she worked with

a better word would be this:

tolerate |??t?¤l????r?t| verb [ trans. ] allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference

"Mod your car tastefully because other people have to look at it." -Me