Originally posted by Tourige:

Yea, i usually reference the names with some people on the board, like Rickson was gonna sell his Mirko to me and i didnt know who he was, so i asked stazi if he knew him, and he did. All the little things keep you safe.

yep, that's exactly what i did when i first made a purchase here from someone i didnt know. everything worked out great.

yeah, the powdercoatmoron was just plain bad. and there have been a few others too if im not mistaken. if i was going to send anything to him for powdercoating, i would have waited to see what many people's experiences were. didnt some people actually (in the beginning) have good work done? it can be tricky... then again, why would i send car parts all the way across the friggin country to be powdercoated when there's a powdercoating shop every few feet out here i dunno about Smalltown, USA....but are powdercoating shops that scarce?

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.