Originally posted by djdanyloz:
Hi my JL XR series speakers have been great! But one of them the copper wire leading to the bottom bass cone tore away where it is soldered to the connection.

It actually pretty much cracked/tore there into two peieces thus now I have a shorter copper wire.

So I tried re-soldering it onto the connection. I needed to pull away some of the aheasive holding it to the cone (on the back) to give me enough play to solder it back onto the connection.

Well I had a feeling there wasn't enough play/give with the new shorter wire and sure enough on a very bassy track it pulled away again.

I'm not too experienced with car audio so im wondering if such a repair kit or how to replacve this copper wire. It's stupid to simply buy a new expensive speaker when it still works perfectly excpet for the .0001$ lead tearing away.

Any help is appreciated!

Umm, you kind of answered your own question. Go to a shop, get some small guage wiring (I'm guessing that 18 would probably do it) and then use it as a bridge between the two pieces. Just use some good quality solder, and you're good to go.


1998 Contour GL 2.0L Zetec Stock as hell for the moment....