lol man, 60' is a small fraction of 1320'. We are talking spinning through the measly first 4.5% of the quarter mile. I agree that it's really hard to comprehend because it's not intuitive to run a higher trap when you have a slower 60' time. You need to understand that this is generally the's not 100% every time...and of course this is comparing the exact same car...of course a pinto with a 3.0 60' isn't going to trap higher than a csvt that wheel hopped and then missed second gear. The way you need to look at it is, you have a very very consistent car that wins bracket races like crazy. He's running 13.9s@100 98% of the time. Some dumbass tracks water to the starting line and he spins more than usualy. That time he runs 14@101. So since this 60'/trap speed fact is general knowledge, we need to think why it's the case. Obviously it's easier to get a higher trap by essentially getting a rolling start through the first 4.5% of the track, and obviously this couple of tenths in the 60' that was spent hooking rather than spinning is enough for this powerful car to get down the track so fast it isn't travelling quite as fast at the end. Again it's not every time, but it's generally the case. Go to a bracket race and study the most consistent car out there, and look at his 60' times and trap speeds and see what you see.

Any pics of the beast?