small bladdered Elky and Tony had ta pee. Goony and I didn't.
They asked if we would pull over with them, but they said "you don't have to, we can catch up"
I didn't want to break up the group, so I started to pull off behind them at the rest stop, but Goonz kept going.
Then I was like "well shoot, I can't let Haroon go off on his own" so I stayed on the highway.
Haroon and I slowed down to like 60ish to allow for them to catch up.
Eventually we got the cell phone call that they got pulled over.
We pulled over at the next stop, and the pee'ers met us there.

I suppose I could have just pulled off with Elky/Tony and we could have called Haroon to meet us at the next stop.
oh well

Kim 1995 Contour GL Needs less "needs more"