I went to the dentist yesterday for a routine cleaning and some x-rays. They're getting pretty high tech there.
My xrays were all done digitally. Snapped the pic and it was immediately uploaded to the computer, and I saw the pics pop up on screen. No cavities!
Scheduling is all done by the hygenists now on screen after they're done your cleaning, and they have headsets to call on each other for assistance. I could vaguely hear two-way radio blips coming from her earpiece while she was doing my cleaning.

We had a discussion about how I'm passed what they call the cavity years. Then the dentist joked that with all the Mountain Dew kids drink these days, he's thinking they'll have to place the cavity years all the way to 60 I was like "mountain dew! that's good stuff!" He jokingly scolded me for ever drinking it.

Thank god for dental insurance though. Man is that place expensive!

Kim 1995 Contour GL Needs less "needs more"