Some of my favorites:

Stazi (sitting on the pavement at the dyno, asscrack in full view)
Me (dropping a quarter into the slot): "Can I ride this donkey?!"
Todd made me do it!

This was the weekend of asscrack, I swear.
Barge, James, Stazi, Petey. There's more, but I think my mind won't allow me to remember.

Todd getting heckled and called a virgin at the club was awesome.

Getting Todd's sloppy seconds at the club.

Chang at the SS: "man, I wish I had some pennies to toss"

Mike Allen shooting Pete square in the mouth with the nerf gun, on command.

Chicago misfits: "Get a hat! Get the washer fluid! Get a water bottle"


Me proving to Jess I can wee like a man, hands free, while the banquet was in progress.

Playing hot potato with the Stinky Paki in the parking lot.

Playing chicken with Hetfield in a hotel hallway and losing. big bruise on my knee.

Hetfield, Airforce and Elky comparing beer guts. Good lord Hetfield!

Jim trying to get his kart to smoke.

ugh man, there are far far more that I'm leaving out.
Most of them are just way too vulgar.
Just when I think we can't top ourselves

Kim 1995 Contour GL Needs less "needs more"