first of all, im no scientist. im just going to give you my unscientific, uneducated guess until someone who knows what theyre talking about comes along.

the 0-60 sounds about right for these cars. csvts have dyno'd from 160hp to 175hp, iirc. it is typical for similar cars to have a different actual at the wheels numbers. (if that makes any sense

laatly, wind drag should not affect the hp that the car dynos. as the mafia says "it is what it is" the motor puts out the power that it can put out. drag, rolling resistence, weight and other variables affect its velocity.

now im no engineer, but from what ive learned i believe that is fairly accurate, give or take.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.