Originally posted by We Todd:
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
Read my post from an hour & a half ago. I explain why. Wien Sean elaborates further & strengthens my argument with his experience & observation as an American in a foreign country.

If we require english, provide voting, DLs, medical & other benefit applications in english only, they have to learn to get along. They integrate into society rather than society pandering to them. And, as I said, by not learning the language, they are limiting their opportunities. With mastery of english (to some functional degree), they will be able to make a living anywhere in the US, not just in areas where there are translators or agencies making things available in their native language.

Yes, IF that were to happy. Its not going to happen though. We as a society are too soft and not hard enough to enforce this to say "Toughh Chit, learn the language or else." It will be called 'discrimination,' just like I'm a 'racist' because I am not for illegal immigrants. In a perfect world, it would work, but it ain't perfect.

Well, I ain't giving in. Call me racist, call it discrimination, whatever. I really don't care. It is to their benefit, how is that racist? It is to the benefit of society as a whole, how is that discriminatory?

Not a perfect world?? Well, dammit! I'll make it one!

Just to elaborate, I see your point and it is valid. However, your attitude seems to imply that you're all too willing to be one of those that caves to the liberal PC BS. Stop caving. Make it happen. PC is on the way out, ride the wave!

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.