Originally posted by red99sesport:
It still has a long way to go before becoming law, but it is certainly a step in the right direction because English is our national language.

I personally find it to be retarted that we must offer a driver's license test in 30 some languages in Ohio when not one road sign in Ohio is in any language other than English. If you want to speak Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, or whatever else at home, fine, and more power to you. But when you are dealing with the county at large, English should be the only thing accepted.

That's why we need this law. Lots of things in multiple languages here in Florida too. From driver tests to handbooks to building permit applications. This law will encourage all to speak, read, write in english, learn it before coming here, and save us lots of tax dollars.

This will also potentially save lives as recent tragic traffic incidents have shown in south Florida.

Anybody who portrays this as a racist or narrow minded law is an un-thinking doofus. Learning english will allow all to go anywhere in the country and be able to function equally well. People not learning english are just limiting themselves.

I've long been an advocate of diversity in our culture. Honor your history by celebrating your heritate, your homeland, your ancestry, but be AMERICAN first. None of this segregationist african-american, asian-american, mexican or latino-american CRAP. That is how the politicians keep us as adversaries. Be American, my neighbor, my friend, my countryman, a part of something bigger, then celebrate our differences and I will celebrate with you.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.