Originally posted by We Todd:
Originally posted by JaTo:
Originally posted by sigma:
Still. There's a saying "Anything worth doing is worth doing right" that definitely applies here. 370 miles of fence will be no more effective than the 150 miles of fence we've already got -- i.e. Not at all. It's pointless to even bother unless you're going to do it right. It's one more worthless expenditure of this administration.

You're right though, this is psychological more than physical. It's a complete pander to a portion of the country that believes we need a fence even though a small portion won't actually do a thing.

It sends a message of "Hey, look fellow Republicans! I'm doing something" to people in this country. And a message of "Hey, illegals, we're trying to look like we're doing something to keep you out. So, psst, don't cross right here, go down a few miles and cross there" to the illegals trying to get in.

Bingo; this is yet another half-assed measure brought to you by the US Congress. It's like fighting a fire with a damn water-pistol. My senator will be getting a letter from me on what a waste of taxpayer money this plan is...

Yes, we need a fence, but we need a REAL fence that runs the distance of the border and will be properly patrolled. This just smacks of appeasement and political ass-kissing.

How hard and expensive is it to load Humvee's up with coils of razor-wire and lay the stuff down in a 1/8th mile thick patch all along the border?

Screw a wall; I want an "el cheapo" DMZ.

We don't need a fence, we need a 10-20ft tall concrete wall with automated SeaWhiz guns on it.

Yeah, because they really deserve to be shot?

Certainly not.