" It was duck-taped terribly and you could breathe through one while plugging the other end. So its remporarily fixed, but is it important enough that I replace it? i did that and one of the vaccuum lines(kinda hard to explain, it was under a mess of coolant hoses) was half-off so I threw some carb cleaner to make it a little less messy, and it seems to be happier."
Duct tape would be a temporary fix in this case. You should change out the hose or use a hose connector (if is is not too near the "block").

"(I took it off 2 years ago and didn't replace it)"
If you mean the gasket was not replaced, yes, there is your leak problem there.

"And if anyone can hlep with the cold start bogging issues, that would be nice becuase as it is now, it works so I'm jsut gonna leave it alone until it goes bad again unless I know what to do to fix it. I still have to put the IAT back in, but the wires arn't long enough so I'll probally have to rig it to work."
Pretty sure the cold start is related to the IAT (and maybe broken vacuum lines).

"Always do the cheap and easy ones first." 1996 V6 ATX 96K miles