Originally posted by snakous:
Flame me all you want b!tches, but this officiating is [censored] terrible, mostly in favor of the Cavs. Good job NBA, make sure you keep Lebron on TV as long as possible, can't lose any ratings!

Although I was listening to the game on the radio here at work I hope this isn't the case because the Piston have been screwed in the past before. Let me take you back to the 91' conference finals against the Bulls. The Bulls went to the line at almost a 3 to 1 ratio, give me a firetruckin' break Then again, David Stern had to have his darling MJ step up and make the league so great to watch, didn't he The best part of that game was when Isiah and Laimbeer walked off of the court w/o shaking MJ's hand, classic...screw him then and screw him now


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