i am at work today..pewper.
i also might not have the SVT ready for this week.
i spent 5 hours in the garage (soaking wet garage) trying to get my drivers side axle out of the tranny.
i bent a prybar and broke a prybar.
i even went out searching for one of those special tools that todles likes t use.
i pounded on that thing with a slide hammer for a long time, it will not budge!

so i pulled the axle apart and will try to get a new boot tonight, and hope and pray that everything will be ok.
with my luck the clip that is fighting me will break off in the tranny on the way out to SZ and trash it.

NY State Trooper: So what makes your car so special to have SVT all over it? Me: Er...It was made by Fords SPECIAL Vehicle Team?